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Iceage - New Brigade, Treblezine Top 50 Albums of 2011

New Brigade comes pounding out of darkness to your door, before flailing around your house like an amphetamine-addled Warsaw during one of Ian Curtis' epileptic fits. I can't remember a debut sounding so menacing and energetic. The guitar sounds like it's being played with a cheese grater, bass superficially compliant, but on closer examination is psychotically off-kilter, sufficiently to make even this album's most upbeat riffs sound positively horrible…in the best possible way. Meanwhile, the drummer packs-in more hits than a one-man-band hurtling down a cliffside. Every song is like battery acid in the blood, from Rotting Heights down to Broken Bone. An album that aggressively takes you deep into the disconcerting "Twilight Zone" nether-territories that post-punk and goth forgot, via the punk that got them there in the first place. Treblezine

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