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3979 songs, 9.9 days, 19.30 GB

Sort by song title:
-First Song:
A.D. 2000

-Last Song:

Sort by time:
-Shortest Song:
(Four Seconds of Noise)

-Longest Song:
Destroying Dancefloors

Sort by album:
-First album:
The ABCs of Anarchism

-Last album:

Top 10 Most Played Songs:
I haven't had this computer very long so most everything at the top is tied for 3 or 4 plays, but here's what it says:
Giddy Up!
Puppet On A String
Hangin' Out
59,054,087 (Reprise)
Tits & Acid
Mer du Japon
Fucking Boyfriend (Peaches Remix)

First five songs that comes up on Shuffle:
Lie Back
Let's Make Love and Listen Death From Above
Gypsy Queens

Search ….
"sex", how many songs come up?: 42
"love", how many songs come up?: 214
"you", how many songs come up?: 420
"death", how many songs come up?: 40
"hate", how many songs come up?: 15
"wish" how many songs come up?: 2

Nie chcesz oglądać reklam? Ulepsz teraz

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