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The weekly album tip 16 | 2012

Scratch Bandits Crew :: 31 Novembre

This time I like to share a brand new 12 piece album, released on 9th April. It is turntablism with super skills in scratching. And it is also not playable on last.fm but a four track preview is served by SoundCloud. Unfortunately, this album is outside of France currently only offered by iTunes. There you can preview the other both recommended tracks.
My favs:

Heart Beat ♥♥♥♥ (listen on SoundCloud)
Do Your Thang ♥♥♥ (listen on SoundCloud)
Check It Out (listen on SoundCloud)
I Got You ♥♥ (listen on SoundCloud)
Oriental Wildstyle ♥♥♥
You Know ♥♥♥♥

Enjoy the hidden tunes of The incredible Independence.

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