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The weekly album tip 13 | 2012

tara king th. :: A sigh of relief

I stay for a while in france and listen to a realy fragile whispering woman singing. My weekly album tip is nothing for lovers of more precisely tones, sung with clearly defined voices. This six piece album is experimental und seems a little bit to be like an art happening. Jazzy, trippy, shy and lightly confused…
My favs:

Once Upon a Dream ♥♥
Am I That Easy to Forget ♥♥♥
It's Hard to Be a Cat ♥♥
There Are Still Things to Gaze At ♥♥♥♥

Enjoy the hidden tunes of The incredible Independence.

PS: No full track player. I found it at deezer.com, maybe this service is also available in your country.

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