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Suzanne Vega Steps Back In Time, Records “Tom’s Diner” On Wax Cylinder at Thomas Edison’s Laboratory


Entering the campus of the Thomas Edison National Historic Park in West Orange, NJ is like stepping back in time to the turn of the 20th Century. Edison’s factory building and laboratories still stand, meticulously preserved so that future generations may learn about the man who brought us the light bulb, the motion picture, and who effectively founded the record industry by developing the machinery to record music.

Edison’s phonograph machines were the topic of the day last week as singer and songwriter Suzanne Vega joined the Audio Engineering Society and a group of students from Bay State College for a demonstration of early audio recording techniques. Click through to watch as Vega performs her classic hit “Tom’s Diner” onto a vintage wax cylinder, using only the power of her voice and Edison’s amazing machines.

Read more: Suzanne Vega Steps Back In Time, Records “Tom’s Diner” On Wax Cylinder at Thomas Edison’s Laboratory WATCH HERE!

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