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TWO TONGUES and THE EARLY NOVEMBER talk new releases, plus more from WTB? tourmates

I just wanted to point you all to the newly-posted second part of my "Where's the Band?" tour interviews, featuring each of the guys talking about future and current projects

Chris Conley of Saves the Day revealing that a new Two Tongues record is on the agenda with Max Bemis of Say Anything;

Ace Enders filling us in on the new record and tour from The Early November;

Matt Pryor talks about the Kickstarter campaign that helped him make May Day;

Anthony Raneri tells us about his solo debut New Cathedrals; and

Evan Weiss downloads us on the entire creative output of Into It. Over It.

Find that clip plus my recent interviews with Thursday, Anthony Green, A Day To Remember, The Devil Wears Prada, and more on the discussion boards over at:


Thanks for reading, thanks for watching, and thanks for rocking!



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