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If Life Was A Movie, What Would Your Soundtrack Be?

Put your music player on random, and fill in the space.
*NOTE*: I'm only putting in songs I actually listen to.

Opening Title:
System of a Down - Bubbles
That's hilarious, because my nickname is Bubbles.

Waking Up:
Nine Inch Nails - In This Twilight
How very appropriate. Apparently I get up right before sunrise.

First Day Of School:
Angels & Airwaves - Good Day
Apparently I enjoyed it. ^_^

Falling In Love:
Jewel - 2 Become 1
Another song that fits.

Fight Song:
Marilyn Manson - The Fight Song
…don't ask.

Prom Night:
30 Seconds to Mars - The Kill
Not a very happy night I take it.

Life's Okay:
The Fray - Vienna
Seems fitting. It's a nice calm song.

Mental Breakdown:
Rob Zombie - Feel So Numb
It fits.

The Almost - Drive There Now!
Don't ask. I think someone hacked my computer or something.

The Fray - How to Save a Life
Again, it fits.

Getting Back Together:
Akira Yamaoka - Making Peace
Jesus. This actually works.

No Doubt - Sunday Morning
Sunday Morning is when we're getting married, baby. ;P

Birth Of Child:
Nightwish - Bless The Child
What .. the .. heck ..?

Final Battle:
Nine Inch Nails - Ruiner
Well, my life is ruined in the end, so yeah.

Death Scene:
Akira Yamaoka - Infinite Tunnel
Come towards the light. ;P

Funeral Song:
Jewel - Amen
And may he rest in peace. Amen.

End Credits:
Akira Yamaoka - Promise
Who said I couldn't steal the credits song from Silent Hill 2?

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