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Streetlight Manifesto - Amazing.

Fri 23 Nov – The Somewhere In Between Tour

So, anyway, Streetlight Manifesto's new album tour. Fucking ridiculous. I must have waited half an hour to get into the Culture Room, and by that time, The Stitch Up only had two songs left. From what I heard, though, they weren't very good.

I didn't really care for Suburban Legends, either. Their dance moves were rather homosexual. They did have some great songs.

Anyway, what everybody came for - Streetlight Manifesto. They opened with We Will Fall Together, which was one incredible opener. This is when the real fun began. There was no room in the venue, so everybody was moshing instead of skanking. There were crowd surfers galore. I went up at one point.

I don't really remember what else happened, as I was too busy banging into my friends and random people. Hey, I'm sitting here right now, bruised and sweat-soaked, just to get these memories down.

Ahem, sorry, I digress. I remember that they played Everything Went Numb, Down, Down, Down To Mephisto's Cafe, their infamous medley of Point/Counterpoint and Keasbey Nights, as well as one or two songs from Bandits of the Acoustic Revolution.

They did come out with a great encore. Believe me, I wish I could remember the songs in more details, but damn, I was more focused on trying not to fall on my ass than I was on the setlist.

The Culture Room really did a great job pulling this gig off. It was by far the best concert I've ever been to, and I highly recommend that every third-wave ska fan sees a Streetlight Manifesto concert.

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