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Pelican @ the Oran Mor, Glasgow, Sunday 14th September 2008

Sun 14 Sep – Pelican, Torche

Hadn't really heard Torche before. They were fairly average with occasional moments of doomy brilliance.

This was my third time seeing Pelican at the Oran Mor in Glasgow, and although their set was particularly awesome this time around, it seemed quite short. Indeed, an apparent curfew meant they had to drop their encore, Last Day of Winter, entirely.

Setlist (not too sure of the order; might have even missed a song out):

Lost in the Headlights
Dead Between the Walls
New Song 1
March to the Sea
City of Echoes
New Song 2 (with Bryan and Trevor swapping instruments)
The Woods

Not sure if there was a song between the first two I have there. Awesome to hear The Woods being played; it was epic as fuck.

The two new songs are heavy, kind of a mix between Bliss in Concrete and March to the Sea. I have high hopes for the new album being a return to their doom roots. =D

I hung around afterwards as I usually do and got the guys to sign my Pelican EP vinyl. They all recognized me from the last two times I've waited for them, and Laurent even said he was glad I did, because no matter how shitty they thought they play in Glasgow, I'm always there for them to talk to. XD I spoke to Larry for ages about KTL, Khanate and Khlyst, which was cool. They all complained about the sound on stage at the venue, but I assured them it sounded awesome where the audience were. They said when they come back they hope to play at the ABC2 instead. I pushed for them to play in Edinburgh. =)

Artist connections:

Russian Circles
Triangle Theory *plug*

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