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Lazy days...

Haven't been doing too much lately. Just getting up and listening to music and or playing games and or being online all day. But for the most part it makes me happy.

On October 31st I got up early and had a good long day, 6 hours of useful time. Met some new friends that day too. I'm going to hopefully hang out with them on Fridays and on the weekends. Play some basketball and some Rock Band 2 and watch movies and stuff. I can't wait.

Also me, my brother and sister hung out with a LARGE group of young friends. We met up at a restaurant, then we went and played mini golf. It was dark, and it was good fun times. After mini golf we did a go kart race. And I didn't even have to pay for it. And the person who did pay paid for only a passenger ticket for me but I got to drive my own car anyway! I didn't come in first or anything but it was fun. Second time I've done that this year, the other being at my graduation party. I could say the same thing about bowling. I did that with my family for the first time in a while. Didn't do Stellar though. I don't like bowling much at all anymore. I used to be good though.

www.thepiratebay.org is one of the best websites ever. It's so easy to download a whole discography. When I first used iDump to restore my iTunes onto this computer, I had 1071 songs. That was late September. I have 3196 now. And that's after dumping some stuff. Pretty good. However the only downside of that is stuff you don't really care about comes up on shuffle a lot. And I'm too lazy to make a playlist of things I do like. Oh well.

I've been getting into some new bands, but not too many, really. I'm mainly listening to stuff I've already heard, or stuff I haven't heard in a while. Like I downloaded this giant 90s and 2000s alt. rock playlist and gave that a good playthrough. Popular radio stuff I hadn't heard in a while. And some I hadn't heard at all.

Also crazy bands with male and female vocals like Lacuna Coil and Epica. I'm not crazy about them but they're interesting.

Life is semi depressing lately but I try not to stay down. There's no point in moping around. I always make sure I'm doing SOMETHING.

NP: Sunny Day Real Estate - Diary
They were a big influence on Paramore (I love them so much) and had Foo Fighters members in it. I listened to like half of the album once on Youtube (I used to listen to music on youtube! All the time! I wish I could get all those playthroughs scrobbled onto last.fm) And this is the first time listening to the whole thing. Pretty depressing really but not bad.

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