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[My Gang] Lana Del Rey - Blue Jeans : Reco of the Week 10 Sept 11

Track: Blue Jeans (16 Oct)
Artist: Lana Del Rey
Album: due 2012
Tags: ,
Video: Click the pic…

http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/8t-I-Lqy06g/default.jpg YouTube, official video

And we're back…

Introducing Lana Del Rey.


Blue Jeans is a double-A side, to be released alongside Video Games [watch] in October, with a debut album to follow in the new year.

Unique to her music is the amalgamation of disparate styles that shouldn't go together, but do. Soft, breathy vocals (she's a former jazz singer) and hard sounds; seductive as Bardot, hard as steel. The music is as complete as she is, not so much inviting as on a plate, take it or leave it. You'll take it, it's delicious.

In this track, she's like the female Chris Isaak, with a glamorous and sultry old-fashioned 50s Hollywood sound. This is her Wicked Game.

The video echoes the themes with aged film and 50s iconography, ending with what looks like old footage of Lombard Street in San Francisco and the American flag.

He went out every night
And Baby that's alright
I told you that no matter what you did I'd be by your side
Cause I'm a ride or die
Whether you fail or fly
Well shit at least you tried
But when you walked out that door - a piece of me died
I told you I wanted more - but that's not what I had in mind
I just want it like before
We were dancing all night
Then they took you away - stole you out of my life
You just need to remember
That I will love you till the end of time


Further reading:

Official site
The Guardian - new band of the day


- My Gang

Reco of the Week archives
My Gang Reco of The Week http://static.last.fm/matt/tinyradio.gif

Disclaimer: Mines


Admin: Stats as of today:

Last.fm listeners of this track - 7
No. of plays scrobbled in Last.fm - 22
Position in Last 7 Days: 43 / 4
Position in Last 6 Months: - / -

Date Added: Sep 9, 2011
Views: 78,314, Comments: 175, Likes: 1121, Dislikes: 6, Ratings: 1127, Favorites: 937

Stats after 7 days:

Last.fm listeners of this track - 2,928
No. of plays scrobbled in Last.fm - 14,721
Position in Last 7 Days: 2 / 1,026
Position in Last 6 Months: - / -

Date Added: Sep 9, 2011
Views: 304,762, Comments: 431, Likes: 2503, Dislikes: 18, Ratings: 2521, Favorites: 2,790

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