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Attack Flamingo

You want more. There has to be more. There is so much out there…

You look, you search, you grasp, only finding emptiness…
You find something deeper, something satisfying…

Then it too becomes empty. You dig deeper, fly farther…
Are you looking in all the wrong places?
What if the answer came and found you where you are?
Would you follow it?

This is the difference between desperation and adventure,
Fear and rejoicing,
Burning and breathing.

Attack Flamingo from Huntington WV is an electronic rock band with a hint of progressive rock and new wave. The band consists of Sean Knisely (guitar,vox) , Joseph Spurgeon (synth), Marty Brown(guitar), Phil Smith (bass), and Sam Hodge(drums). Drawing from influences ranging from Muse, Radiohead, Bealtes, to Duran Duran, Depeche Mode, and Smashing Pumpkins, Attack Flamingo serves up a blend of rock and dance. Their debut album, “No Star Could Be As Large” is an epic concept album about traveling into space
attack flamingo

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