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The SXSW 2011 Mixtape, Vol.2

Hi folks, We are excited to bring you the second mixtape in a series of mixtapes that tries to cover as many interesting artists that will play in South By South West 2011!
Mixtape is here :

1. Bare Wires - Family Heat
2. PS I Love You - 2012
3. Chapel Club - Surfacing
4. Tune-Yards - Real Live Flesh
5. Wires Under Tension - Mnemonics In Motion
6. Adam and Alma - Smile For Me, Sun
7. Morning Teleportation - Expanding Anyway
8. Indian Jewelry - Nonethless
9. Givers - Up, Up, Up
10. Electra - I Feel Love (Their Show in SXSW)
11. Liam Finn - Chance
12. Balmorhea - Clamor
13. Papercuts - Do What You Will
14. Twin Shadow - Slow
15. Moon Duo - Mazes
16. Cults - Go Outside
17. Julianna Barwick - The Magic Place

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