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20 Songs

Put your music player on shuffle. Post the first 20 songs that come up. You can repeat artists if you want. If you have any repeats, skip to the next track.

1. Bye
2. The Canals of Our City
3. Roman Candle
4. Svefn-G-Englar
5. I Won't Be Found
6. No More Tears
7. This Lamb Sells Condos
8. Við og við
9. Naomi
10. Rebellion (Lies)
11. One Red Thread
12. Lewis Takes Off His Shirt
13. Two-Headed Boy, Pt 2
14. For Our Elegant Caste
15. Nantes
16. Somedays
17. I'm Afraid of Japan
18. Debaser
19. Bouquet
20. Rejoice

1. Have you ever blasted #5 on your stereo?
Uh, no.

2. Is #1 from a movie soundtrack?
Yes. American Beauty.

3. What does #15 remind you of?
Sepia photographs.

4. Which song do you prefer, #1 or #4?
#4. How could a short piano interlude compete with that?

5. Have you ever listened to #12 continuously on repeat?
No. "The CN Tower Belongs to the Dead" I've listened to nonstop on numerous occasions, though.

6. What do you think about the artist who did #15?
I don't think we'll be getting another good album out of him. He's a genius, but I think he may have burnt out.

7. Is #19 one of your favorite songs?

8. Does #20 have better lyrics or music?
They're indespensible to eachother.

9. Do any of your friends like #3?
No. Too depressing.

10. Is #18 overplayed on the radio?
College radio, probably. I've never heard it locally.

11. When did you first hear #7?
A couple of months ago.

12. Do any of your friends like #14?

13. What color does #4 remind you of?
The color of snow at night.

14. Can you play #13 on any instrument?
Pt 1 I can play on Ukulele, but not part 2.

15. What is your favorite lyric from #17?
"If I fast until starvation, will I be born again a Christian?"
Brilliance. I had just been researching the early christian martyrs when I first heard it, too.

16. Is #2 a good song to dance to?
Not really. too slow.

17. Do you ever hear #16 on the radio?
I would have if it was released as a single and if I listened to the radio.

18. Is #9 a happy or sad song?
Sad. It's NMH, most of their song are.

19. Do you know all the words to #8?
I don't speak Icelandic, so no.

20. What album is #10 from?

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