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Counting Tracks In Real Time?

I just had a bit of an idea for a way to improve the statistical tracking of Last.FM.

A lot of people post specific track count milestones in their profiles. In other words, people will often post what song they played as their 10,000th track, or 50,000th track, or so on. I myself have recently started to do this as well. However, I have no knowledge of any easy way to obtain this information. It always involves finding out EXACTLY how much tracks have been played on your profile, and then scanning back in your "recently played" list until you finally hit the specific track you're looking for.

Would it not be easier if, in the "recently played" list, we had the ability to know EXACTLY which track was that magical number? I think it may be a good idea for the Last.FM team to implement, at the very least, a milestone system that divides the "recently played" list by every 50, 100, 500, 1000, etc., tracks played. Even better would be a system that shows EACH TRACK'S UNIQUE "TRACKS PLAYED" NUMBER.

If enough people respond positively to this idea, I may approach the Last.FM development team myself with the idea. Please share your thoughts, concerns, and comments here so that I (and, potentially, the Last.FM team) have a clear understanding of everyone's viewpoints on this matter.


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