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Life: the Soundtrack?

Here's how it works:
Open your choice of music player and put it on SHUFFLE.
Press play.
For every question type the song that's on.
And when you go to a new question press the next button.


Opening credit: Size Too Small

Waking up: passe moé la puck

Average day: Cyclone

First date: Black and White Town

Falling in love: Your Heart is an Empty Room
hehee pretty true

Fight scene: The Yule Ball

Breaking up: Fast Redemption

Getting back together: Dinner at Eight in the Suburbs

Life's okay: We Didn't Do It

Mental Breakdown: Supersonic

Driving: Each Coming Night
erm !?! pretty calm…

Flashback: The Lie

Partying: Na Na Na (Reggae Remix)
perfect lol

Happy dance: Little Girl

Regretting: Marine Machines

Long night alone: Parallel Lines

Death scene: Ejections Canines
it's a song about dog crap … er?

So what have we learned from this exercise?: My death will involve dog crap

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