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Get FREE DOWNLOADS/Stream all 7 Adam Sapphire Concept Albums

Adam Sapphire is Adam Zivojnovich in a parallel dimension. The Adam Sapphire Concept Albums are an / experience set in what some would deem a "" but what Adam Zivojnovich would describe as an ""

In a parallel dimension filled with powerful magic, there has been an intergalactic war raging between humanity and a race of demons for thousands of years. Humanity is losing the war. This story begins on present-day Earth through the eyes of Adam Zivojnovich, a high-school nerd, obsessed with movies, and . This parallel Earth is identical to the earth we all know. Magic exists, but the people of Earth are isolated from the rest of the universe, most do not even believe there is life anywhere else in the universe. The people of earth have not discovered how to use it and harness its energy. Until now…

Chapter 1: The Fall of Earth

Chapter 2: The Martyr of Valhalla

Chapter 3: 10000 Years Later

Chapter 4: The Old Gods

Chapter 5: Dungeon Master

Chapter 6: The New Gods

Chapter 7: Into The Great Beyond

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