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Adam Zivojnovich's youtube account banned by trolls... FUCK YOU TORGIN ENTERPRISES!

Adam Zivojnovich's youtube account has been wrongly fully banned by trolls… http://www.youtube.com/AdamZivojnovich lost my 1000 subs, 1.5 million views, 150+ videos… according to google is a fake company just trolling youtube. My account better get un-banned…

If you try to watch any video by Adam Zivojnovich now it just says
"This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated due to multiple third-party notifications of copyright infringement."

If you go to http://www.youtube.com/AdamZivojnovich

YouTube account AdamZivojnovich has been terminated because we received multiple third-party notifications of copyright infringement from claimants including:



If you like the music of Adam Zivojnovich / Adam Sapphire / Mannimarco / a2daz / mc dewey / gothman and emoboy / Kyle K2 Key / Adam Zivojnovich and Slopington Heights / Adam Zivojnovich and Kyle K2 Key / Adam Zivojnovich and Phuckface Digitalis XVII
demand that youtube un-ban him!

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