Odtwarzanie przez Spotify Odtwarzanie przez YouTube
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1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc).
2. Put it on shuffle.
3. Press play.
4. You can't change the song (no lying)!
5. For every question, type the song that's playing.
6. When you go to a new question, press the next button.

Opening title:
Katy Perry - I kissed a Girl

Waking up:
길미 - Love Cuts (feat. 은지원)

First day at school:
西野カナ - Best Friend
my movie will be such a happy one with rainbows and unicorns and all that

Falling in love:
Fergie - London Bridges

Fight song:
싸이 - Thank You (feat. 서인영)

hitomi - Love me♡ Love body☆

Life's okay:
SHINee - 그녀가 헤어졌다 (One For Me)

Mental breakdown:
三浦春馬 - 根性なし

장우혁 - I Am The Future (Feat. Seo Jung Hwan & Jo Eun Hee)

mini - special memory

Getting back together:
JHETT - Do or Die feat. 安室奈美恵

Electroboyz - 한참을 울었어

Birth of child:
土屋アンナ - GUN! GUN! LOVE

Final battle:
Dir en grey - STUCK MAN

Death scene:
Helena Bonham Carter - Wait

Funeral song:
山下智久 - After the rain

End credits:
Clazziquai Project - Fiesta (DAISHI DANCE Remix)

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