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Top 5 Feb 26-Mar 5

Quite a week, quite a week. Many new discoveries. Like The Apples In Stereo. Yeah, top 5 this week because past 5 i didn't listen to a lot of musak.

1. Sufjan Stevens (-)
Ah, my god. Genius. Seven Swans is terrific, it really displays his versitility as an instrumentalist, but Illinois is his masterpiece. Brilliant, intelligent lyrics reign on that album. Seriously, listen to the end of Come On! Feel the Illinoise!

2. (tie) The New Pornographers (+4)
I really can't decide which I like better, Twin Cinemas or The Electric Version. Twin Cinemas is more meaningful and makes you think, but The Electric Version just has this undeniable sense of fun that makes you want to dance around and jam on an air guitar. Yeah, I'm so hardcore.

2. (tie) Modest Mouse (-)
Sad Sappy Sucker is unlike any of their works. In a good way though. I keep going back to it merely because it is different. Kinda shallow, but hey, it's a good album anyway.

4. Arctic Monkeys (-)
They're unfortunately shallow, and they sound exactly like every other post-punk band to release an album in the last six months. I Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor is good fluff for a while, though.

5. The Blood Brothers (+3)
The Blood Brothers are, quite simply, my favorite metal band. Guitarmy just about sums up all the emotions on Burn, Piano Island, Burn.

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