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DeadStar's Mixes - #1 [When It's Time to Party, We Will Party Hard!]

I like doing mixes in my free time, I just did one a couple of minutes ago, here it is:

01. Andrew WK - Party Hard
02. The Chemical Brothers - Galvanize
03. Republica - Ready to Go
04. The Rapture - Whoo! Alright - Yeah... Uh Huh.
05. The Styles - Glitter Hits
06. Dirty Pretty Things - You Fucking Love It
07. The Fratellis - Chelsea Dagger
08. Beatsteaks - Sharp, Cool & Collected
09. Snot - Joy Ride
10. Rise Against - Give It All.

Feedback? Suggestions? Got your own mix with this theme! MAKE ME KNOW! Post a comment here and we'll see what happens!

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