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"Cherry Pie" is a song by the American rock band Warrant. "Cherry Pie" is the titular track from Warrant's album of the same name which was released in 1990.
"Cherry Pie," Warrant's best-known song, was not actually planned to be put on the album. Joey Allen of Warrant has stated that the album was originally going to be called Quality You Can Taste (frontman Jani Lane recalled this differently, stating that the title was supposed to be Uncle Tom's Cabin), but the president of Columbia Records, Don Ienner, wanted a rock anthem, so he called Jani Lane. (According to Lane, he wanted a "Love in an Elevator" type song.) Lane wrote "Cherry Pie" in about fifteen minutes. Allen stated that "…the whole marketing and everything for that record changed. It was definitely driven by the label and not the band. The song was written down on a pizza box which is now on display in the Hard Rock Cafe in Destin, Florida, part of the Destin Commons. The guitar solo was played by C.C. Deville as a favor to Lane, who was a long-time friend.
Many of the band members feel that "Cherry Pie" is not actually one of the better songs on the album, and see the song as a double-edged sword: it brought them fame, but many of their other songs are overshadowed by the major hit. On VH1's HEAVY: The Story Of Metal – Episode 3: Looks That Kill, Lane expressed his regret for writing the song, stating that "I could shoot myself in the fucking head for writing that song." However, he later clarified that he had been under personal stress at the time of the VH1 interview, and had no ill feelings towards his association with the song.
Can I clear the air on that? They just caught me on a bad day. It was a bad moment – I was going through a divorce, my mom had just passed away, all this stuff was going on – and they sit me down in a chair and wanna start grilling me with questions, and I didn't wanna be there, so…You know, push that interview to the side, I'm happy as a clam to have written a song that is still being played and still dug by so many people. It's hard enough to write a song, let alone one that sticks around."

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