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  • Urodzony

    1975 (wiek 49)

  • Urodzony w

    Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Clare Bowditch (born in 1975) is an Australian musician from Melbourne, Victoria.
She is best known as a heart-felt songwriter, for her satirical on-stage antics, and for the Open Letters section on her website in which she chronicled her early career as it happened.
As her manager said, of over 255,000 people Clare Bowditch has performed for, 99% fell in love with her (or at least, they thought she was “alright”). Her gutsy lyrics, fascinating instrumentation and left-field humour have enraptured the lot of them. She’s made four albums, and it made her win few impressive awards.
She is absolutely cherished by her fans (well, as every artist, but still…), who are involved in just about every step of her creative process. For Clare her music is involving a new genre she describes as “political-disco”, but it is not too serious yet to call it this way.

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