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Niedziela 13 Wrzesień 2009Niedziela 20 Wrzesień 2009


Veemarktstraat 44, Tilburg, 5038 CV, Netherlands

Tel: +31-(0)13-4609500


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Kup bilety


Incubate is an extensive festival for independent culture. With a solid musical base, the festival also brings visual arts, dance, theatre and movies. Over 200 cutting edge artists present themselves in an intimate context to an international audience. Black metal next to free jazz. Street art next to academic dance. Incubate takes place from the 13th until 20st of September in the city of Tilburg in the Netherlands. From a squat to the mayors room. From music venue to museum.

Występuje (202)

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306 wybrało się

73 zainteresowane


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