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Sie 13

Fairports Cropredy Convention

Występuje Fairport Convention, 4 Square oraz 15 wykonawców więcej w Cropredy

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Czwartek 13 Sierpień 2009Sobota 15 Sierpień 2009


Banbury, United Kingdom

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Cropredy is a pretty village five miles north of Banbury in Oxfordshire. Every August, its inhabitants welcome an invasion of up to 20,000 music-lovers for Fairport’s Cropredy Convention. The event is held over the second full weekend of August, from Thursday afternoon to midnight on Saturday.

Organised by Fairport Convention themselves, this outdoor extravaganza has been held annually since the 1970s so the audience includes children (and even grandchildren) of festival-goers who’ve been coming back year after year. There is also a strong contingent of younger newcomers each year. This gives the event a uniquely ‘family-friendly’ atmosphere and a real sense of tradition.

Details are updated regularly so visit Fairport Convention Website for the latest details.

More artists will be added when confirmed.

Tickets are on sale now from Fairport Conventions Website at £78 for a adults weekend.

Występuje (17)

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