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the innocent village fete

Występuje The James Taylor Quartet, Angus & Julia Stone oraz 13 wykonawców więcej w Regent's Park

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Sobota 2 Sierpień 2008Niedziela 3 Sierpień 2008


Regent's Park
London, United Kingdom

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Hello. We are really excited to be putting on the innocent village fete once again this summer after a lovely couple of days in the park last year. It will be taking place in Regent's Park, London, on Saturday August 2nd and Sunday August 3rd 2008.

So bagsy your tickets here before they all go and you're left wandering up and down Oxford Street shopping for blister plasters on possibly the hottest weekend of the year. Then invite all of your friends (via our FaceBook event page if you're 'in the book' or over a nice cup of tea and a cake if not). See you under the trees.

Występuje (15)

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31 wybrało się

2 zainteresowane


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