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Piątek 3 Lipiec 2015Sobota 4 Lipiec 2015


Lūksto ežeras
Varniai, Lithuania

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“Bliuzo naktys” is the oldest open-air music festival in Lithuania, held in summer. The sounds of guitar, harmonica, drums, saxophone and other instruments, together with strong vocals, invite the visitors to listen to real blues at least once a year, and also to spend some quality time with their loved ones in the nature.
The festival welcomes not only the Lithuanian musicians, but also bands from all over the world: USA, UK, Denmark, Baltic States, etc. Very often, the guests don‘t want to leave the festival territory, simply because of its amazing atmosphere.
A lot of visitors of this festival, consider coming to the festival with their family members and friends to be a tradition. “Bliuzo naktys” is like a Lithuanian version of the legendary festival ‘Woodstock’: hippy atmosphere, relaxed visitors, and the feeling of peace and love, floating in the air, making everyone feel like a big happy family.

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