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Gru 30

Northern Bass 2014/15

Występuje Andy C, Ant TC1 oraz 35 wykonawców więcej w Worsfold Farm

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Wtorek 30 Grudzień 2014Środa 31 Grudzień 2014


Worsfold Farm
420 Settlement Road, Mangawhai, New Zealand

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Just an hour north of Auckland City in the pristine countryside of the sub-tropical beach paradise that is Mangawhai, Northern Bass brings together the finest local and international bass-driven artists for two days of New Years celebrations.

Now in its fourth year, Northern Bass is where people who appreciate the best in bass music come together and celebrate in the most beautiful location. With the rolling hills, a lagoon, and a white sand beach alongside the best international and local artists, epic levels of production and all the bar, food and camping facilities you need… Northern Bass is the only place to be to bring in the New Year.

Występuje (37)

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