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Sie 27

Dimensions Festival 2014

Występuje Caribou, Alix Perez oraz 101 wykonawców więcej w Fort Punta Christo

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Środa 27 Sierpień 2014Niedziela 31 Sierpień 2014


Fort Punta Christo
Fort Punta Christo, Pula, Croatia

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Dimensions is an underground electronic music festival held at Fort Punta Christo, perhaps one of the most amazing festival locations ever imagined.

With a higher technical specification of sound systems than you will find at any other festival of its size, Dimensions is the perfect place to enjoy the deep end of electronica, the finest in techno, house, deep dubstep, drum & bass and other electronic sounds.

With chilled beats playing during the daytime beach sessions so you can relax and rejuvenate, and daily boat parties taking off from the harbour there is plenty to see and do.

Występuje (103)

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150 wybrało się

171 zainteresowanych


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