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Wrz 22

Dave Koz & Friends at the Sea Cruise

Występuje Keiko Matsui w Aboard Royal Carribean's Navigator of the Seas

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Niedziela 22 Wrzesień 2013Niedziela 29 Wrzesień 2013


Aboard Royal Carribean's Navigator of the Seas
Rome (Civitavecchia), Italy

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The Dave Koz Cruise prides itself on providing guests with once-in-a-lifetime musical moments, the very finest in wine and cuisine, and the most popular Ports-of-Call in the world - all within the 'floating backstage' environment of luxury cruising. With a vast selection of stunning scenery as our backdrop, and with an incredible array of all-star talent providing the entertainment, this week-long 'feast for the senses' gives guests an experience they will never forget. Seeing the world together through music is what the Dave Koz Cruise is all about.


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