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Sty 12

19th HardMetalFest

Występuje Crise Total, Angriff oraz 9 wykonawców więcej w Centro Cultural Santo André

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Sobota 12 Styczeń 2013Sobota 12 Styczeń 2013


Centro Cultural Santo André
Mangualde, Portugal

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For the 1st time ever Crise Total will be playing a Festival,and a Metal one at that,so two firsts in one go!The 19th HardMetalFest will coincide with the 30th anniversary of this old-school Anarcho-Punk band from Portugal,so they will be joining another 10 acts for this festival among them fellow Crust-MetalPunx Simbiose where their drummer also has screaming duties so all in all it seems it'll be a knees up headbang,moshing affair,hellzyeah!

Występuje (11)

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5 zainteresowanych


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