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Wrz 27

Midpoint Music Festival 2012

Występuje Grizzly Bear, Allan Pray oraz 176 wykonawców więcej w Various Venues

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Czwartek 27 Wrzesień 2012Sobota 29 Wrzesień 2012


Various Venues
Cincinnati, United States

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MidPoint Music Festival continues its 11-year tradition on the region's frontline of music exploration. MidPoint's embrace of emerging artists reflects the same pioneering ethic of Cincinnati's celebrated music history and its present day music-makers.

MPMF.12 is Thursday through Saturday Sept. 27-29 in downtown Cincinnati and the adjoining Over-the-Rhine district. Musical acts will be hosted on multiple stages within a walkable area, encouraging attendees to explore and discover. Temporary bike racks in front of several MidPoint venues will encourage even more exploration.

More artists still to be announced!



Występuje (178)

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52 wybrały się

25 zainteresowanych


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