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Cze 29

Spy Music Festival

Występuje Skeletons, Angelica Sanchez Trio oraz 43 wykonawców więcej w The Stone

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Piątek 29 Czerwiec 2012Sobota 14 Lipiec 2012


The Stone
Avenue C & E 2nd St, New York City, 10009, United States


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A sprawling music marathon running from June 29th through July 15th featuring 46 sets of music presented at 7 venues across New York City. This year’s fest is supported financially by the not-for-profit Jump Arts and media sponsors Tiny Mix Tapes and The Village Voice. In addition, Six Point Brewery has thrown their support behind the event by brewing a signature Northern Spy brew for the occasion that will be available at select festival venues.

Lavender 7" with two tracks from the forthcoming Loren Connors/Suzanne Langille album. 90-minute cassette featuring never before heard tracks by artists from the festival.

Listen to the 37 song sampler and check the website for a detailed schedule.

Występuje (45)

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13 wybrało się

2 zainteresowane


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