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Lip 23

Launch Sacramento

Występuje Chromeo, !!! oraz 16 wykonawców więcej w Cesar Chavez Plaza

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Poniedziałek 23 Lipiec 2012Sobota 28 Lipiec 2012


Cesar Chavez Plaza
910 I St, Sacramento, 95814, United States

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Founded in 2009, LAUNCH is an annual celebration of music, art, fashion, design and architecture that will take place from July 23-28 at multiple venues through midtown and downtown Sacramento.

LAUNCH is a product of Sacramento’s burgeoning creative community and curated by some of the brightest artists in and around Sacramento to showcase their peers and introduce the audience to a new generation of local, regional and international talent across multiple artistic fronts.

Our vision is to create a citywide event that provides a platform to elevate and inspire our region’s creative talent. Join us for a six-day celebration that Sacramento will never forget!

Występuje (18)

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25 wybrało się

16 zainteresowanych


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