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Nie chcesz oglądać reklam? Ulepsz teraz


Piątek 20 Lipiec 2012Sobota 28 Lipiec 2012


Mariehamn, Finland

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Rockoff Festival is the Åland Islands largest summer event.
Yearly, since 1997, the Rockoff Festival has developed to an annual event that attracts 40.000 visitors in 9-days. Located in the town Mariehamn, the "capitol" of the Islands, the festival attracts lots of locals and foreign islanders and friends to have a great time in the sunny island.

Two stages deliver popular artists from both Swedish and Finnish charts, mostly swedish. Entertaining coverbands and shows are allso presented. Food and drinks are served from two restaurants. There are both non-alcoholic area (no agelimit) and alkohol area (18 yrs) available. A funland for the younger visitors are allso available on the compound.

To access the festivalarea in the eavnings 18-24.00 a ticket or wristband is needed. Tickets or wristband vochers can be bought in the entrance or in advance. Currently vochers for wristbands are available locally at Shell Mariehamn. Tickets will allso be available trough TicNet further on. Ticketprice for one day is 30€, 3-day wristband 65€ and 9-day wristband 80€.

Występuje (14)

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2 wybrały się

3 zainteresowane


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