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Lut 9

Paul receives his Hollywood star!

Występuje Paul McCartney oraz Neil Young w CAPITAL RECORDS BUILDING IN HOLLYWOOD, CA. USA

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Czwartek 9 Luty 2012Czwartek 9 Luty 2012


HOLLYWOOD, United States

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...I totally forgot to share this event with my last fm friends...It was so cool, the crowd took over all of the streets, I felt literally like a Beatlemaniac back in the day, when they were FAB...(triva quiz for all you beatle fans...Who sang that song that I just had stated in my last sentence), when we were fab? That was totally incoincadental...Anyway, we were about 20 ft. from Paul and Neil Young who walked out with him, very cool photos we took, check them out. His star is right next to Lennons right outside the Capital Records Building...oh-ya that reminds me of another beatle quiz question... "Who out of the Beatles made a music video on top of that building? Okay, enough of my quizes, enjoy the photos!
paul mccartneyneil young

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