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Paź 29

35th Norwich Beer Festival

Występuje Cawston Band, Cleaving Heevages oraz 10 wykonawców więcej w St Andrew's Hall

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Poniedziałek 29 Październik 2012Sobota 3 Listopad 2012


St Andrew's Hall
St. Andrews Plain, Norwich, NR3 1AU, United Kingdom

Tel: 01603 628477


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The 35th Norwich Beer Festival, organised by the Norwich & Norfolk Branch of the Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA), will be held at St. Andrew’s and Blackfriars’ Halls from October 29th to November 3rd 2012.

Monday 29th
Evening – Hellesdon & Sprowston Brass

Tuesday 30th
Lunchtime – Minstrel’s Gallery
Evening – Music-free evening

Wednesday 31st
Lunchtime – Gallery String Quartet
Evening – Early: Hayley Moyses and The Bluegrass Forum; later: Cawston Band

Thursday 1st
Lunchtime – Norwich Ukulele Society
Evening – Early: Cleaving Heevages; later: Taverham Band

Friday 2nd
Lunchtime – DixieMix
Evening – Early: Dave Thomas (blues); later: Norfolk Wherry Brass

Saturday 3rd
Lunchtime – Sheringham Shantymen
Evening – Early: The Harvs; later: Cawston Band

Występuje (12)

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