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Wrz 12

Bigsound 2012

Występuje Eagle And The Worm, All the Young oraz 56 wykonawców więcej w Judith Wright Centre of Contemporary Arts

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Środa 12 Wrzesień 2012Czwartek 13 Wrzesień 2012


Judith Wright Centre of Contemporary Arts
420 Brunswick Street, Fortitude Valley, Brisbane, Queensland, 4006, Australia


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Taking place on the nights of the 12th and 13th September BIGSOUND Live is the two-night music festival that puts artists in front of the local, national and international music industry delegates attending the BIGSOUND Music Industry Conference held 12 - 14th September.

In 2012 BIGSOUND Live is expanding to showcase 100 acts over 10 venues. As well as continuing to showcase a diversity of breaking acts from the world over, BIGSOUND Live 2012 will be turning the spotlight on the country music scene, encouraging applications from these artists.

Występuje (58)

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25 wybrało się

18 zainteresowanych


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