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Kwi 6

California Jam

Występuje Deep Purple, Black Oak Arkansas oraz 6 wykonawców więcej w Ontario Motor Speedway

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Sobota 6 Kwiecień 1974Sobota 6 Kwiecień 1974


Ontario Motor Speedway
Ontario, United States

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California Jam, also known as Cal Jam, was a rock music festival concert held at the Ontario Motor Speedway in Ontario, California on April 6, 1974. It was produced by ABC Entertainment, Sandy Feldman, Don Branker and Leonard Stogel. Pacific Presentations, a Los Angeles-based concert company headed by Sepp Donahower and Gary Perkins, coordinated the event, booked all the talent, and ran the advertising. It attracted 250,000 fans that paid, which at the time, set the record for the highest paid attendance and highest gross in history. It was one of the last of the original wave of rock festivals, as well as one of the most well-executed and financially successful, and presaged the era of media consolidation and the corporatization of the rock music industry.

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