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Maj 24

Sound Around Kaliningrad

Występuje Camilla Sørensen, Carl Michael Von Hausswolff oraz 27 wykonawców więcej w Various Venues

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Czwartek 24 Maj 2012Sobota 26 Maj 2012


Various Venues
Калининград, Kaliningrad, Russian Federation

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Sound Around Kaliningrad is an international festival which is a unique opportunity for the Kaliningrad audience to get introduced to the works of the leading European musicians who work with contemporary experimental music and sound art and help create a platform for professional exchange, education and cooperation between international and Kaliningrad sound artists and musicians.

The Sound Around Kaliningrad festival will be held on May 24-26th 2012 in several city sites (mansard of the Kronprinz barracks, Kaliningrad zoo, Reporter club, Kvartira club) and featured in a number of formats that help represent sound art and experimental music: concerts, performances, installations, workshops, screenings, audio broadcasts, interventions in public spaces and an open record library. In the framework of the festival a panel discussion devoted to the questions of exhibiting sound art in museum space will be held that will gather renowned international and Russian curators and artists who implement media art projects. Curators from NCCA branches from Nizhny Novgorod, Ekaterinburg, Vladikavkaz, Saint-Petersburg and Moscow will also participate in the discussion.


Występuje (29)

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9 wybrało się

1 zainteresowana


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