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Maj 20

The 2nd Annual Hudson Block Party 2012

Występuje of Montreal, Adam 12 oraz 20 wykonawców więcej w The Hudson

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Niedziela 20 Maj 2012Niedziela 20 Maj 2012


The Hudson
1114 North Crescent Heights Blvd, West Hollywood, 90046, United States

Tel: 323 654 6686


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Join us for The 2nd Annual Hudson Block Party... as we bring the community, local businesses, and our friends together for a fun neighborhood gathering on SUNDAY, MAY 20th!

The event is co-sponsored by the City of West Hollywood & The Chamber of Commerce, and will showcase 25 bands/DJs on 2 stages, 30 vendors, and several charities. The Hudson & The Churchill will join forces to have 4 full bars (21+ event) & lots of eats.

For those of you who attended last year, you know how crazy it got. To accommodate, we have more then doubled our capacity by taking over the B of A lot next door, and doubled the size of our entrance to ensure fast admission!

Doors are at 11am so get there early, and plan on staying late… Check back regularly for updates on set times, line up additions, etc.

Występuje (22)

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10 wybrało się

8 zainteresowanych


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