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Kwi 14

Kraftwerk Music Festival

Występuje Juan Atkins oraz François K w MoMA PS1

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Sobota 14 Kwiecień 2012Niedziela 15 Kwiecień 2012


22-25 Jackson Avenue, New York, 11101, United States

Tel: +1-(718)-784-2084


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MoMA PS1 presents a two-day music festival with Juan Atkins (April 14) and Francois K (April 15) to celebrate the exhibition Kraftwerk - Retrospective 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 and Kraftwerk's influence, technological innovation, and collaborative spirit.

Juan Atkins is regarded as one of the founding fathers of techno and is a close friend and collaborator of Francois K. Like many forms of dance, electronic and hip hop music, techno was heavily influenced and inspired by Kraftwerk's electronic acoustic innovations. Francois K is one of New York's most legendary DJs and a long-time collaborator with Kraftwerk, having mixed their 1986 studio album, Electric Cafe as well as remixes for several other tracks. He was also behind many of New York's most legendary parties such as Body&SOUL and Deep Space every Monday night at Cielo.

On April 14 and 15 from 3:00–6:00pm, Juan Atkins and Francois K will draw inspiration from the Kraftwerk - Retrospective 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 at MoMA and the special exhibition in the MoMA PS1 Performance Dome to create an interior and exterior sound-scape installation in the form of a music festival. Visitors are invited to join with Juan Atkins and Francois K as they celebrate Kraftwerk's groundbreaking influence and inspiration on both image and sound, through their own live interpretation, eventually with very special guest appearances.

Występuje (2)

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