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Lip 21

21 Julio 2012 Tiësto & Sebastian Ingrosso @ Happy Land Music Festival - Forum Barcelona, ES

Występuje Tiësto, Dirty South oraz 2 wykonawców więcej w por confirmar

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Sobota 21 Lipiec 2012Sobota 21 Lipiec 2012


por confirmar
Barcelona, Spain

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Happy Land festivals celebrates its 3rd year with the launching of a new festival in a new city Barcelona, Spain.

Happy Land is known by its special DJs combinations mixing DJs who never perform on the same massive stage as a main event before together for the first time.

This year Happy Land will be featuring the best DJs in the world Tiësto & Sebastian Ingrosso and many more.

Join thousands of fans celebrating the massive one day festival in the world with one crazy stage and luxury VIP platforms.

There will be many additional security personnel this year to ensure maximum safety for all Festival attendees. Please review the Policy section for a list of items that are not allowed in the park! Following these instructions will lead to a quicker entry at the main Festival gates.

Saturday 21st July 2012 / Start: 17:00 - 6:00 am

*Line Up
Sebastian Ingrosso
Dirty South
Jose AM
Nico Hamuy
Wally López
William Bellart
Les Schmith

*Set Times: Jose AM 17:00-18:00 / Nico Hamuy 18:00-19:00 / Wally Lopez 19:00-20:00 / William Belart 20:00-20:45 / Mart-T & Les Schimitz 20:45-22:15 / Soraya 22:15-22:45 / Jessy 22:45-24:00 / Ingrosso 24:00-02:00 / Tiësto 02:00-04:00 / Dirty South 04:00-06:00

Port Sant Adrià (Port Fòrum)

Tram T4: Forum Stop
Metro L4: Forum Stop
Day Bus: 7, 36, B23, 41, 43, 141
Night Bus: N6, N7
Car/Taxi: Ronda Litoral Sortida 25
Parking Aviable

*Tickets http://www.onlineticketexpress.com/event/happyland_music_festival_2012_tickets
HappyLand EarlyBird Tickets - Only Limited Time! 55€
HappyLand Regular Tickets 60€
HappyLand VIP Tickets 110€
Premium HappyLand (table area) please contact premium@happylandmusic.com

*German Infos, Travel Packages &Tickets

Występuje (4)

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3 wybrały się

3 zainteresowane


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