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Sie 31

Lodestar Festival 2012

Występuje alicia catling, Amanda Mair oraz 26 wykonawców więcej w Lode, Cambridgeshire

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Piątek 31 Sierpień 2012Niedziela 2 Wrzesień 2012


Lode, Cambridgeshire
Lode Fen, Cambridge, CB25 9HE, United Kingdom

Tel: 01223 813318


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Kup bilety


Tickets available now. At £65 for a weekend festival (including camping) this is amazing value. Do not miss out!


Free camping with 3 day tickets - (optional to stay over)
Free camper-van or caravan space with 3 day tickets
Free for 0-14 yrs olds (tickets still must be booked)
Free from booking fees!

3 days and 3 nights to enjoy the most exciting line up of hot new artists and this year a bigger mix of genres, late night DJs playing euphoric tracks, fun comedians, drama of theatre, trickiest circus acts, dress for the risqué-st burlesque, colourful market stalls including vintage clothing, tastiest food, chillest camping area and the warmest atmosphere!

From Friday 31st Aug to Sunday 2nd Sep, held on vast flat fenland, 15mins from Cambridge city centre on one of the best weather weekends of the year.

Występuje (28)

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9 wybrało się

3 zainteresowane


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