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Środa 25 Kwiecień 2012Niedziela 29 Kwiecień 2012


Merriweather Post Pavillion, Columbia, MD, United States

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FORWARD is 88's annual 5 day festival celebrating electronic creative culture. It is held every spring in Washington, DC.


Washington, D.C.’s five day festival celebrating electronic creative culture – music, art, and new media. Entering its fifth year, FORWARD 2012 will continue a tradition of bringing artists and attendees’ cutting edge programming centered on live performances, art exhibitions, and workshops. Through electronic creative culture, FORWARD aims to unite artists, attendees, and the greater D.C. community in cultivating a caring, conscious society interested in pro-actively pushing things forward. To this end, FORWARD 2012 will include workshops and service events that provide a place for sponsors to showcase their products and give industry professionals and participants a place to interact and collaborate.

Występuje (11)

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