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Sobota 12 Maj 2012Sobota 12 Maj 2012


Cuban Club
2010 Republica De Cuba, Ybor City, FL, 33605, United States

Tel: 813-248-2954


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Since 1982 Tropical Heatwave has been a rite of spring for fans of eclectic music. Once just a Cuban Club event, Tropical Heatwave now spreads all over Ybor City with an incredible lineup of diverse entertainment, more than 60 bands on thirteen stages. In its 31st year, Tropical Heatwave has become an event to bring all of Ybor City alive with great music and parties. For the first time we will have clubs on Ybor City’s main drag, 7th Avenue, with two Stages in the Ritz and a stage in Bricks. Roosevelt 2.0 will be an all acoustic stage and there will be bands in Centennial Park. Music everywhere!

The Heatwave booking criteria has always been musical excellence, strong visual appeal, fun, and high energy. For many Heatwave aficionados the most fun is the magical experience of collectively discovering new artists who never have played before in this area. This year there are more artists to discover than ever before.

While some of the national bands may be on your radar, you should not forget to check out the great local and regional artists who will showcase at Heatwave. We have handpicked great bands who are ready to compete for audiences with the national bands. It's always thrilling for both local bands and their fans to rise to the occasion by turning in some of the hottest music of the Heatwave.

With thirteen stages of choice, everybody gets a unique experience by making their own strategy for seeing the best or the most music. Some people hang out at one or two stages where they know some of their favorite bands are playing. Others try to challenge themselves to keep moving and see as many bands as possible. Some just go with the flow. After Heatwave you will often find two people saying it was one the best nights of music they ever experienced, and they find out their paths never crossed watching the same bands.

In addition to the music, check out the street festival on 9th Avenue where delicious food, art and crafts vendors, and political activists hold forth. Find old friends and make new connections. Tropical Heatwave is a manifestation and celebration of the sense of community this radio station has created. We invite you to join with the other members of the WMNF family to share the fabulous music and friendship.

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