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Mar 31

Out Of The Crowd Festival

Występuje Breton, Adebisi Shank oraz 7 wykonawców więcej w Kulturfabrik

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Sobota 31 Marzec 2012Sobota 31 Marzec 2012


116 Rue de Luxembourg, Esch-sur-Alzette, L-4221, Luxembourg

Tel: +352-(0)55-44931


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The Out Of The Crowd Festival takes place every year at the Kulturfabrik in Esch-Sur-Alzette-Luxembourg and bring you all the best in Indie/Experimental music.

The 2012 edition features :

* Adebisi Shank (EIR/Sargent House-Math-Rock)
* Breton (UK/Fat Cat-Electro Indie)
* Le Klub Des Loosers (F-Hip-Hop)
* Aucan (IT/Africantape - Live-Dubstep)
* Rumble In Rhodos (NOR - Energetic Indie-Rock)
* Sun Glitters (L-Post-Dubstep-Shoegaze)
* Cyclorama (L-Shoegaze-Indie Psychedelic)
* Mount Stealth (L-Instrumental Math-Rock)

+ as usual vegan stand by the 50 Food Combo
+ merch stands + distros
+ a great exhibition in the gallery!

The Out Of The Crowd Festival exists since April 2004 and brought to the Kulturfabrik amazing acts such as Battles, And So I Watch You From Afar, 65daysofstatic, Pvt, Forward Russia, Engine Down, Honey For Petzi, Ted Leo & The Phramacists; Pelican, These Arms Are Snakes a.m.m.

Występuje (9)

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11 wybrało się

6 zainteresowanych


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