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Paź 19

Euroblast Festival Vol.8 - The Sound Of Infinity

Występuje After the Burial, Akeldama oraz 37 wykonawców więcej w Live Music Hall

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Piątek 19 Październik 2012Niedziela 21 Październik 2012


Live Music Hall
Lichtstraße 30, Cologne, 50825, Germany

Tel: +49 (221) 95 42 99 10


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Euroblast Festival Vol.8 The Sound Of Infinity

Finally the wait is over!
Euroblast Festival presents the "Sound of Infinity" with the most epic, the most beautiful and the most exciting Line-Up of the year!!!

October 19/20/21, 2012
Underground Cologne + Live Music Hall
Cologne, Germany, European Union

We Offer 3-Day, 2 Day and Daytickets on our Website. Check it out!
Tickets via Paylogic
Tickets via Eventim

October 18th: Euroblast Warm-Up at Underground Cologne
October 19th: DAY 1 at Underground Cologne
October 20th: DAY 2 at Live Music Hall (+Aftershowparty)
October 21th: DAY 3 at Live Music Hall


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Występuje (39)

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82 wybrały się

92 zainteresowane


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