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Gru 29


Występuje Truman Peyote, AHHKIYYINI oraz 45 wykonawców więcej w Catnap (day1) + Chucos (day2)

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Czwartek 29 Grudzień 2011Piątek 30 Grudzień 2011


Catnap (day1) + Chucos (day2)
Los Angeles, CA, United States

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FMLY Fest 2k11 is the third annual expression of Los Angeles’ friendliest D.I.T. (do-it-together) music and arts festival. On December 29 & 30 we invite you to our open gathering: a two day long celebration of our FMLY and FRNDS representing an international community of artists, musicians, activists, free thinkers, and like-minded social do-gooders. Last year we hosted 35 bands, 15 artists, and 2,500 new and old friends over two days and four spaces. Since then, we’ve become passionate about a whole lot more and we want to share as much amazing finds with you as we can.

Występuje (47)

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23 wybrały się

14 zainteresowanych


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