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Paź 31

Halloween Music Fair

Występuje Sisters of Transistors, Django Django oraz 12 wykonawców więcej w Cecil Sharp House

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Poniedziałek 31 Październik 2011Poniedziałek 31 Październik 2011


Cecil Sharp House
2 Regent's Park Road, London, NW1 7AY, United Kingdom

Tel: +44-(2)0-74852206


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Join us for folk-inspired acts and psychedelic sounds in the Victorian surrounds of Cecil Sharp House, the HQ of the English Folk Dance and Song Society in the heart of Camden.

Among the stags-heads and walled gardens of this unique venue, take in three stages featuring a psychedelic mixture of aural treats. Ethiopian desert sounds from Krar Collective, British folk tunes from the Urban Folk Quartet, chamber pop from the famed North Sea Radio Orchestra and the nation’s finest up and coming artists, including Lulu and the Lampshades and Jonnie Common.

Have your tarot read, tuck into a hog roast and spiced cider or join the costumed sunset procession from Primrose Hill. Into the night DJs
from Heavenly Records, BBC 6 Music’s Freakier Zone and Django Django will whip the halls into a frenzy with their pick of seasonal sounds.

Występuje (14)

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